eHarmony Part 3; The Must Haves and Can’t Stands.

In part 3 of the eHarmony program, you get to send a list of about a dozen things that you can;t stand in a match and a list of about a dozen things that they must be.  For example, you “can;t stand” someone who has poor personal hygiene but you “must have” someone who is polite.

Again, as with the five questions, these too are subjective. Does a person with poor personal hygiene know that they have poor personal hygiene?  And does a rude person perceive themselves as rude?  These are questions that can’t really be answered until you actually get to know the person.

So, at best, these questions only help you to think about what you are looking for in a person.  Once you meet the person, you can determine whether or not they meet your standards.


2 thoughts on “eHarmony Part 3; The Must Haves and Can’t Stands.

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