How Are Your Teeth?

Another area of concern is dental care.  If your date has “pearly white” teeth, chances are good that they are taking good care of their teeth.  But, if your dates teeth are a little off color, that might not be the case.  So, I often broach the topic of dental care.

For starters, I mention that I get my teeth whitened locally and it only costs me $200.00 initially and only $30 every 6 months.  If they are interested, great!  But, if they announce that they hate dentists,  then you may have a problem on your hands.

In a similar manor, I may mention that I have 5 crowns and absolutely love them.  If they volunteer information about their own dental work, great, at least you will know.  But, if they don’t, beware!  There may be major dental work waiting on the horizon