eHarmony And Missing People.

While I think that the eHarmony web site does a good job, it does have its quirks.  And, some of these quirks drive me absolutely crazy.  One of the most annoying is the disappearing members.

Every now and then, an individual, who has been posted to my account, will mysteriously disappear!  At first, I thought that I was just imagining that the person ever existed.  After all, I get about 2,000 posts a year from eHarmony so it would be easy to loose track of someone.  But, after the first few times, I have come to realize that eHarmony is doing something with these people.

Normally, if some one doesn’t like the match with me, they will simply close the account.  I, in turn, will get a notice that they have close their account with me.  I then close my account with them and we are both history.

But, for these mystery accounts, eHarmony doesn’t tell me that the account is “closed”.  Rather, they tell me that the account is “no longer available”.

This drives me crazy since I am never sure if the person has disappeared or if they never existed in the first place!  Maybe some day I will figure it out.

Don’t Settle.

We all have our ideas of what the perfect mate would be like.  But in reality, that person doesn’t exist.  So, you will need to find someone who is close to being the perfect mate.  The trick is to decide whether you are settling or have found the best person to be your mate.  So, ask yourself “Is this the best that I can do?”  If the answer is “no” then you need to keep looking.  Don’t just settle.

You And Your Mom.

Some women like to post pictures of them with their mom.  And while it is nice to see  family pictures, it is always confusing.

Is it a picture of you and your mom or you and your daughter?  I can’t tell because I don’t know you.


At my age, I date quite a few women who are menopausal.  While some of these women decide to just tough it out, others opt for hormone replacement therapy.  And while HRT may reduce the hot flashes, it also tends to make some women rather, well, horny.

I guess this gives date rape a different perspective.

Three Squares And A Roof.

I once read a dating profile where the woman stated that she had her own friends and her own life and was looking for a man with the same.

Well, it sounds like she is looking for a room mate and not a husband.

Free Weekends.

On holiday weekends, one of the dating websites offers a free weekend.  On this free weekend, anyone can use the site for free.  But, after the weekend ends, you either have to join the site or you are closed out from any future correspondence.

So, when free weekends hit, my dating web site floods me with women who are trying to get through the Q&As as quickly as they can so that they can send me their email addresses.  This, of course, creates a very busy time for me.  And, even though I send them my email address, in the end, I never hear from them again.

Oh well.

I Won A Man!!!

One of my dating web sites requires that matches exchange questions and  answers with each other.  And, if they complete the series of questions, they can enter into an open dialog.

Well, one woman was of the mind set that just because she had completed the questions, she was entitled to a date with me.  And while I don’t disagree with the concept, a date is not a guarantee.  When I could see where her demands were headed, I closed out her correspondence.

At least the system worked for me.

My Bird Just Had Puppies!

I have discovered that some women are too busy in their personal life to have a dating life. They may state that they want a man in their life.  But in actuality, they have a million excuses as to why they are too busy for a real man.  Instead, they are only interested in a man that they can put up on a shelf along with their collection of tea spoons and point to  when they have friends over for tea.

So, if you find yourself in this situation, you need to cut your losses and move on.


The other morning, a single gal that I work with came into the office sporting a dandy cold sore.  Since I had never seen her with a  cold sore before, I asked her about it.  She said that she doesn’t know how she got it as she has never knowingly dated any one with the herpes virus.

Now, since I often kiss on the first date, this got me to thinking.  Just because there is no sore present, is a person still contagious?

Maybe I need to be more careful about who I kiss.

Dating an Old Old Friend.

Well, one of the women at the top of my dating list was an old old friend.  We had worked together for over 23 years and were very very close.

She has never been married even though she has had several offers.   And we hit it off from the moment that we met 23 years ago.  She and my late wife Kathy were good friends.  So, she seemed like a natural to date.

Well, I spent several weekends at her house.  And, we went out for supper on several occasions but nothing more.  She considered me to be more of a brother than a lover.  And, I can understand that.  It was a little weird for me too.

Well OK.  I’ll move on.

And so I did.