My Fourth Date; Where Do You Want Me To Sit?

After my third date, I was ready for someone normal.  And, my fourth date seemed normal to me.  It wasn’t until she met me at the restaurant that I realized that she wasn’t.

When we were escorted to our table, I told her to go ahead and sit.  She then asked me where I wanted her to sit?  I told her that any where would be fine.  But, she still lingered, so finally I told her where to sit and she did.  She thanked me.

At this point in time, I wanted to call for a “check” from the waiter but we hadn’t ordered yet.  So, I sat wondering what I had gotten into.  I found out.

It seems that her ex husband was a control freak and she no longer had a mind of her own.

Well OK, check please!!!

My Third Date; Call Me Any Time!

My third date was with a woman who told me that she loved getting calls during the day so I could call her at any time.  Well, alright!!

So, I called her for the first date.  No answer so I left a message.  She called me back two hours later.  No problem!!

When the second date was scheduled, I needed to contact her with the times and locations.  No problem.  While I never got to actually talked with her, I did leave a message on her voice mail.  Again, no problem!  But, after I left the message, I realized the I had given her some wrong information so I called her back to update her information.

But, instead of getting her voice mail, I got her live.  She answered the call by saying “What do you want?????!!!

Well, at first, I thought I had dialed the wrong number.  Unfortunately, I hadn’t.  OK, so, being the gentleman that I am, I took her out because I had ask her earlier.  But, I really did not enjoy the evening.

I never called her back and she made no efforts to call me.  Live and let live I guess!  I think I know why her late husband worked nights.

My Second Date; You Are How Old?

My second date was with a woman who claimed to be 55.  And, after looking at her photos, I conclude that she was 55.

But, when she arrived at the restaurant, I spotted her immediately and wondered if that was her or if she was with her mother.  Unfortunately, it was her.  She didn’t look 55, she looked like she was 75.  Oh my.

I guess she posted pictures of herself when she was 55.  But, I just have to wonder ‘didn’t she figured I wouldn’t notice the age difference?’  Hello!!

My First Date!

After not being in the dating circuit for 40 years, I found myself once again looking for a new wife.  And, learning how to date at age 60 was even stranger.  So, I turned to eHarmony.  Within a few weeks, I was matched with my first date.

We had exchanged emails and phone calls and finally arranged a time and place for our first date.  Great!!

When she arrived, she was, well, modestly dress.  OK, she was down right frumpy.  But, what ever.

While we were waiting for a table, she had a couple of beers.  That is when she told me that she had left her husband of 25 years for another woman, but she decided that she was really heterosexual after all and really wanted a man.  Well OK!!!!! I guess.

So, my next thoughts were “has she made the transition back or is she still working on it?”  And, judging from her clothing, I would say that she was still working on it.

Now, while I applauded her decision to jump back over the fence, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be her guiding light. She was nice enough but there was a big risk factor.   I decided to pass on that one.


“See What You Missed Out On!”

On one of my dating websites, potential partners are offered up catalog style.  If I should see one who sparks my interest, I then send them an email.  If they are interested, they respond back.  It they are not interested, they can send a canned rejection letter or write their own.

Well, one woman not only sent a rejection letter, she also pointed out what a hot chick she was and that I was missing out on something great!

Well OK.  I guess she wears “space panties”.

Photos and Thomas Kincaid.

When women post photos on eHarmony, they need to be careful of what they post.  While they may think that they are just posting a picture or themselves, they are also posting a picture of their house.

So, when you think you are being cute while siting on you sofa, I am seeing the Thomas Kincaid painting hanging on your wall and thinking, “this is not going to work”.

What Does That Mean?

I once dated at woman who was always asking “what does that mean?”.  And, it wasn’t a question of clarification, it was a question of cross examination.  Since I didn’t like being given the 3rd degree, I quickly dumped her.

Your Favorite Beverage.

In an effort to impress various women that I have dated, I have purchased their favorite beverages and kept them on hand.  But, in the end, I now have several cases of beer and soft drinks that I don’t like.

Oh well, live and learn.

What Do You Bring To The Relationship?

What do you bring to the relationship?  That is a question that we all need to ask ourselves.  If you don’t bring anything new to the relationship, then you are not needed.  And, if your assets are the same as your partners, then one of you can be eliminated.

But, in order to asses yourself, you need to understand who you are.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?  And, you need to be honest with yourself.