Waiting For A Date!

Waiting for a Date?  Don’t trust the hostess.   That is what happened to me the other day.

I arrived at the restaurant a little early and told the hostess that I was waiting for someone.  So, she took my name and the name of my date and told me that they would bring her to my table when she arrived.

Well, they didn’t.  So, while I was waiting at the table, my date was waiting by the hostess.  After 20 minutes, she left without every knowing that I was there.

Moral of the story, don’t trust the hostess.

No Shows!

How long do you wait for a date to show up?

The other day, I was going to meet a first date for dinner.  15 minutes after the scheduled meeting time and no date, I started to worry that she might be a no show.  So, I started reviewing the menu in earnest.

When a half hour had passed I went ahead and ordered.  I figure that everyone can be running a little but after a half hour, I have to assume that something major has happened.

It was a bit awkward eating by myself, but I am a big boy and can deal with it.

Realistic Expectations. The Start.

Most everyone has their idea of what their ideal mate would be like.  Giddy girls dream of handsome movie stars or hunky athletes, while boys envision beautiful fashion models with wonderful personalities and ample assets.

For example, one middle aged woman wrote that she was looking for a doctor who made $200,000 a year.   And while her dream is possible, it is not very realistic.  Likewise, a guy may be looking for woman to share his interest in mountain climbing.  But finding someone like that on a general dating site might be almost impossible.  So, the trick is to determine what is realistic and what is not realistic and what is “settling”.

No Photo Attached.

Quite often on my dating websites, I am matched to a person who has not included a photo with their profile.  And, I realize that for some people, uploading a photo can be tricky.  But, I read their profile anyway.  If they sound like a prospect, I will ask them for a photo or just take them out for supper. After all, I do have to eat and I should get out more.

But, I was very suspicious of one profile that did not include a photo.  Why?  Because she listed her occupation as that of a photographer.

Pinball Wizard.

I once dated a woman who had a pinball machine in her house.  I thought, “how cool”!  I love pinball machines and she even let me play it.  Then I  got to thinking that I too could own my very own pinball machine!

But, as much as I love playing pinball, I knew that if I had one in my house, I would never get anything else done.

Sorry “Fantastic Four” it will have to be another time.


I Don’t Get Along With My Boss!!

“I don’t get along with my boss.”  That seems to be a common statement from my dates.  And, in the past, I sympathized with them.  But as time passes on, I have come to realize that the reason that they don’t get along with their boss is because they are NUTS!!!


Action Talks And Bulls*** Walks.

I once dated a woman who was great with promises but short on actions.  When she knew that I sometimes hurt from the death of my wife, she promised to cover my back side.  When my father in law was sick, she promised to be there for me.  When my birthday rolled around, she promise to take me to a play.

Well, she never covered my back side when I was hurting, was not there for me when my father in law was sick, and never took me to the play that she had promised. In short, actions talk and bullshit walks. But, I guess it sounded good to her.

Jumping Right In!

I am amazed at the number of women who have never been married but are now looking for a husband.  And, I have to  wonder “why?”.  After all, they have been single for the past 50+ years.  It is not like they are planning on having a family.  And, they have gotten along fine without a man in their life for all of these years so why bother now?

But I guess more to the point, I wonder how well they would doing being married?  Would they be able to live with a man?  Or would he be just more of a servant with occasional benefits?  Well, I guess I won’t know until I actually meet one of these women.

Successful Relationships Are Built On Honesty And Trust.

I once dated a woman who told me a lot of things about herself.  Unfortunately, most, if not all, were not true.

During our correspondence phase, she told me that she had 3 daughters and one grand daughter and that they all lived in NY.  And, that she herself was  born and raised in NY.

Since I have been down the road of deception before, when we met, I asked her where she had grown up.  She said that she was born and raised in the same town where she presently lives.  When I asked her if she had any children, she said that she did not and had never been married.

Well OK.  Should I believe anything that she told me?  I don’t think so.  But, it doesn’t matter anyway because I doubt that I could ever trust her.

eHarmony Is Just Another Mile Down The Road.

One thing that I have learned about eHarmony is that your distance constraints are irrelevant.  My profile is set to limit my match distance to a 60 mile radius.  I figure that a one hour drive is not unreasonable.

But then, eHarmony matches me with someone who is only 90 minutes away.  Well, OK, I guess another 30 minutes isn’t that unreasonable.  But, if I will accept a 90 minute drive, will I accept a 2 hour drive?  After all, it is only another 30 minutes.  And, if I will accept a 2 hour drive, how about Chicago?  It is less than 3 hours away and the roads are good.  If Chicago is good, then how about Milwaukee WI, or Barrie ON, or Widowee AL?   I just got matched last week with these people.

I am sick of it!!!!   eHarmony just won’t quit.  They are not reasonable and they don’t seem to care about your distance requests.  Apparently “Sleepless in Seattle” plays continuously, in their office.  Perhaps if eHarmony did a better job in matching couples, they wouldn’t need to go to such distance extremes.  And no, I will not accept a match from Russia!!!!!