After date communications.

After you have gone out for the first time, there should be some sort of after date communications.  If you asked the woman out for the date and paid for it, you should receive some sort of communications from her thanking you for the evening.  If you don’t, then it is safe to assume that she is not interested in dating any further.  But, when in doubt, if you don’t hear from her after a few days, you can always drop her a line just to be on the safe side.  After all, circumstances do come up from time to time.  Then, if you don’t hear from her, you can assume that you are done.  Cut your losses and move on.

Family and friends.

How soon do you introduce your date to your family and friends?  That is a question that has vexed daters for many years.  While you don’t really want to hide your date from your family and friends or vice versa, you also don’t want to proclaim  that you are a couple until you are really sure.

If you introduce them too soon, you only create confusion all the way around.  Your family and friend assume that you are a couple and so does you date.  Then, if it doesn’t work out, you are left explaining this to everyone.

Learning To Live Alone, In Public.

The longer that I live alone, the more I get adjusted to it.  At first, I was afraid to eat by my self in a restaurant.  But now, I am fine with it.  Tomorrow, I am going to attend Art Prize by my self.  And, I will be fine. In the future, I will probably attend movies and concerts as a solo act.  And, I will be fine with that also.  The longer that I live alone, the easier that it becomes.

Sexual Hangups; The Intro.

One of the most difficult issues to figure out in a relationship is whether there are any sexual hangups.  I mean, unless you are in a totally Platonic relationship and plan to keep it that way, sex will be looming on the horizon.  The problem arises if only one of you are interested in that horizon.

The best approach to this issue is to talk about it.  So, early on in the dating process, I mention that I am a hot and passionate lover and that I expect to be intimate with my partner on a regular basis.

This approach helps to screen out those who are only looking for a traveling companion.  But, it is only a start.  There are many more sexual hangups that could exist.  So, the important thing is to open a channel of communications between the two of you and make sure that your partner feels safe to discuss sexual issues with you.

Cronic Complainer!

The other day, I met a woman on line who was a complainer.  Now, I understand that we all have things that really bother us and make us unhappy.  But, this woman has never even met me face to face and already she is complaining about her job.

Now, I know these type of people and have even worked with them.   They just have a sour disposition.   I think that I will pass on this one.

Very Negative!

The other day, I dated a woman who was very nice except for the fact that she had a low self-esteem.  She was not a happy woman.  Instead, she was very negative and depressing to be around.  I thought that maybe in time, she would get better.  But, deep in my heart I knew that she probably wouldn’t.

I decided to pass on her.

The Bonding Process Varies From Person To Person.

Some people form chemical bonds to their sex partner very easily while for others, it never happens.  I think that this is why some people are ready to live together after their first sexual encounter while others have no such desire even after multiple sexual encounters with the same person.

So, know your self and beware of the other person or you may end up with an unexpected house guest.

Sex Starts The Bonding Process.

Scientific research seems to suggest that being sexually active with someone starts the chemical bonding process in the brain.  I believe this to be true.  So, you had best be sure that the relationship is going to work before you start the bonding process, other wise, you may discover that you are married to someone that you can’t stand.

Casual Sex!?

After I had dated a woman a couple of times, she asked me about “casual sex.”

Well, OK, I guess I never thought that I would get asked that question.  I just figured that sex would happen if we both felt that it was right.  So, since I wasn’t feeling right about it at the time, I didn’t know quite what to say.

And, I didn’t know if she was in favor of it or opposed to it.  So, I took the safe route and said that if a couple is in a  committed relationship and it is agreeable then sex is OK.

Good answer I guess.

The House Must Go.

I recently had someone tell me that no woman would want to live in the same house that my late wife Kathy lived in.  In short, the house and everything in it needs to go.

Well, I disagree.  I guess if a woman has concerns about my house and my furnishings, she is also going to have concerns about me.  So, we may as well cut our losses and move on.