Tired Of Online Dating.

I am tired of online dating.  In fact, I am tired of dating all together.

The longer that I remain alone, the more that I am adjusting to it.  In fact, I rather like my freedom.

I have adjusted to eating out alone, going to the movies alone, and attending social events by my self.  In short, I am now fine with being alone.  And, given the poor quality of the dates that I have had in the past year and a half, I can’t say that I miss any of them.

Perhaps if the right person comes along I might change my mind.  But right now, I am quite content.

The Hoodie.

One woman on eHarmony, posted about a dozen pictures of her self.  Unfortunately, in every picture,she was wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up over her head.

I had to wonder if she was just trying to be stylish or if she was bald.  I passed on her.

First Dates.

The other weekend, I took a  woman out on a date.  During that date, she told me that I was the first person that she has dated in over 16 years.   Now, while I was flattered to be the first,  I was also concerned that she was just getting started on finding a new relationship.  Fortunately, we didn’t click so I didn’t have to worry about getting involved with someone who may later change her mind about what she wants in a relationship.

The Words of Love!

I once dated a woman who told me to call her any time on her cell phone and that she loved getting calls during the day.  Well, OK.

I only called her a couple of times and each time the call went to voice mail.  No problem.  She would eventually call me back later in the day.

But, as I was scheduling our second date, I once again got her voice mail.  So, I left a message.

Realizing that I had not given her my correct cell phone number, I called her right back to leave another message.  But, this time, she picked up.  And, instead of saying “hello” she said “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!!!”

I was so startled by her response that I thought that I had a wrong number.  So I said “Sandy?”  “Yes, what do you want?!!”

Well, OK.  I gave her the date information and we went out.  But, I decided to cross her off of my list.  I think that there was a reason why her late husband worked the night shift.

Canceled Date.

I recently had a woman cancel a date.  She canceled on Saturday night at 9:30 for a Sunday afternoon dinner date.   It seems that one of her kids wanted to take her out for dinner instead.

Now, I understand that things do come up from time to time.  But, taking your mother out for dinner shouldn’t be a spur of the moment decision.   And, since she didn’t ask to reschedule, I assume that she just changed her mind about going out with me.  I will just wait to see if I ever hear from hear again.

Are You Interested In Going Out?

A year and a half ago, I was matched with a woman on one of my dating sites.  I sent her several emails but never got a response so, I dropped her.

Well, that same woman recently appeared on another dating site and she sent me an email.  So, I sent her an email and to  my surprise, I got a response.  Not only did I get a response, but we had several correspondences.  And, she said that she was interested in going out with me. So, I asked if she was free on the weekend.  But, I got no response back.

Now, knowing that the email on these site is not always trustworthy,  I concluded that she may not have received my email.  So, the following week, I sent her another email asking her if she would like to go out.  And again, I got a response back saying that she would and asking what works for me.  So, I suggested Friday night, Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.  But, I got no response back.

I think I understand why this woman isn’t getting any dates.


Hi, I’m Seeing Someone Right Now.

Recently, I received an email from a woman on one of my dating sites.  She told me a little bit about herself and asked about me.  So, I wrote her back that same day.   The next day, I received an email from her saying that she wished we had met a month earlier as she is seeing someone.

Excuse me?  You are seeing someone but you didn’t remember that yesterday when you sent me the email?    Not very likely.  I suspect that she was either looking to upgrade her present relationship or just on some sort of ego trip.  Whatever the case, she is a flake.

Must Be Willing To Relocate.

A woman from Virginia has taken a fancy to me on one of my dating web sites.    Noting that she is about 14 hours away, I asked if she was willing to relocate.  She responded that she had just moved into her dream retirement home and that relocation was out of the  question.    Well OK!  I guess she is expecting me to move.

Must Be House Broke.

“Must be house broke” is what one woman wrote for her dating requirements.    By that, she wants a man who will put the seat down when he is through using the toilet.  Well, at least she is not worried about whether the paper hangs next to the wall or away from the wall.


And Pictures Too!

Just when I thought that I had seen it all, I was proved wrong.  A new woman to one of my dating sites, had a user name that referred to her breasts.  And, just in case you had any doubts about the correlation between her user name and reality, she had pictures of her self in her bra and panties.

Well, OK!  I  guess it pays to advertise.