Dealing With Ex’s. Part 2.

The ex. of one woman that I dated was a control freak which is the reason that she divorced him.  But, since he lived in the same area as she did, I realized that he was not going to give up control.  In fact, he was going to continue to make her life miserable.  Which leads to the question of when do I step up to defend her and when do I just back off?

Everyone at some point in time will be faced with the same decisions.  It is best to think about them before they happen.

Dealing With Ex’s. Part 1.

The ex, of the first woman that I dated, was gay so there was no real problem with hurt feelings on his part.  The ex of the second woman that I dated had died so there were no issues there.  But, after that, ex’s have been a factor in all of my relationships.

If I was fortunate, the ex moved out of state and remarried.  But, from time to time the ex’s live in the same area and still have an influence on my date’s life.  And  when this happens,  I have to determine just what I am going to deal with and to what extent.

The fun begins.