My Drunk Date.

What do you do with a drunk date?  That was a problem that I had encountered a few months ago.  Apparently my date had arrived in time for happy hour and was, well, quite happy when I arrived.

Food!  Get her food!  But, more to the point, this is a first date and first impressions are everything.  And her first impression???

Love Is A Decision.

While love is an emotion, it is also a verb.  And, because it is a verb, we decide whether or not to love someone.

If we choose to love someone, then there is a whole course of feelings and actions associated with that love.  And likewise, if we decide not to love someone, we withhold these feelings and actions.

So, to love or not to love, that is the question.

Nice But No Chemistry.

What do you do if you are dating a woman that you really like but there just isn’t any chemistry?  That is a problem that I have run into over the past few months.  I mean, these women are nice enough but there just isn’t that magic spark.

I try to remember back to when I first started dating my late wife.  Was there a spark or was it just physical attraction?  I can’t remember.  I do know that in time, I fell madly in love with her.  If I could answer this question, then my dating would be much simpler.

Interested Or Desperate?!

Sorting out the women who are truly interested and those who are desperate can be a challenge.  I guess you could say that they are both interested but for different reasons.  One is interested in you because they love you and the other is interested in you because you are male, alive and heterosexual. Though the last adjective is negotiable.

Still, it is hard to decided.  Do they love you for who you are or what you are?  Only time will tell.

Do You Believe In Premarital Sex?

Do you believe in premarital sex?  That is a question that was asked of me on the third date.

Immediately, warning bells went off in my head.  How I answered the question could determine if there would be a fourth date.  Was she asking me about my moral convictions or was she suggesting something else?  I didn’t know, so, I took the honest approach and told her just what I thought.

No Photo? She May Be Married.

If a woman refuses to post a photo on her profile, it may be because she is married.  That’s right, just because a woman is on a dating website doesn’t mean that she is single.  She may be getting ready for a divorce and wanting to look over the field.  Or, she may be just looking for an ego boost.  Either way, posting a photo is risky because someone might recognize her.

So, beware of anyone unwilling to post a photo of themselves.

Unaffectionate Or Uninterested?

I recently dated a woman who just didn’t seem interested in me.  So, after the first date, I was surprised to get an email from her saying that she really wanted to see me again.

On the second date, I was surprised to get the same “cool” response from her. Yet, again, she was interested in seeing me again.

Having verbally expressed her interest in me, I had to wonder if she is just not a physical person or if she is being guarded.  I am confused but I will just have to play it by ear.

Does She Own A Business?

Does she own a business?  If so, you need to understand that business owner have a unique personality.  They tend to be a little more focused and hard working.  So, don’t be surprised if their business takes top priority.

Religious Information.

If you provide too much religious information, one of two things will happen.  Either prospects will dismiss you as a religious fanatic or you will attract other religious fanatics.  So, choose your information carefully.

I Don’t Smoke.

Recently, I read a woman’s profile.  In it, she claimed that she didn’t smoke.  Yet, her only profile pictures shows her holding a cigarette.  Maybe she has quit since the photo was taken.  Or, maybe she was hold the cigarette for a friend while the picture was being taken.  After all, no one ever lies while filling out these profiles.