How Eager Are They?

Beware of women that are too eager to have a relationship with you.  If, after the first date, they are talking long term relationships, it may be that they are desperate. In such cases, you meet their qualifications of being male, alive and heterosexual.

While there is nothing wrong with a woman being overly eager to see you, just beware and proceed cautiously.

It Didn’t Work Out.

I recently sent a prospective date an email of interest.  But, she emailed me back and told me that she was seeing someone.

Well, I can understand that.  After all, things happen.

But then, two weeks later, she was reviewing my profile.  I guess Mr. Wonderful turned out to be a toad.

While I appreciated her honesty, she should have waited to give me the heave ho until the relationship was a little more stable.  I think that she was dreaming with her first encounter with Mr. Wonderful.  But, regardless, if she is humble, she can still pick up with the folks that she rejected.


New Dates And Holiday Gifts.

Christmas is always an awkward time if you have just started dating someone new.  Do you but them a gift?  Did they buy you a gift?

Basically, you don’t want to be in the situation of receiving a gift and not have one to give.  And, likewise, you don’t want to give them a gift if they don’t have one for you.

This is an uncomfortable situation all the way around.  So, it is best to have something just in case.  Chances are that the woman will present her gift first.  If she does, great.  Then, you can present your gift.  And, if she doesn’t present you with a gift, you can avoid the awkward situation by not presenting your gift to her.

I’m A Workaholic!!

Recently, one woman listed herself as being a workaholic.  And she also stated that she really enjoyed a hot cooked meal waiting for her when she got home at night. Nothing about love or companionship or even doing things together.  Just a hot cooked meal.

Hey, “nothin says lovin like something from the oven…”.  Somehow, I can’t help be feel that I could be replaced by “takeout”.

Questioning Or Reaffirming?

A few weeks ago, I dated a woman once.  After the date, she emailed me and said that she didn’t think that we were compatible.

Well, OK,  I can accept that.  But, since that time, she has viewed my profile almost daily.

So, is she questioning her decision or reaffirming it.  I don’t know but I expect to get an email from her any day now.

Photos, The Travelers!

Some women post photos of their travels.  They post pictures of themselves in  Paris, London, Rome and Tokyo.

And, while the photos are nice, I am not sure why they feel a need to post these pictures of their travels instead of them and their families?  Are they trying to  portray themselves as major world travelers?  And if so, then why?  Are they ever at home or do they travel all of the time?

I  guess it doesn’t matter to me why they post their travel pictures, I am just not very excited about them.

The Second Time Around.

After you have been on dating web sites for a while, you start to see the same people only on different sites.  And, while they may have rejected you on one website 6 months ago, they may accept you on a different website today.  Why?  Because they now have a better idea of what is out there in the dating market.  So, just because some rejected you 6 months ago, give them a try if they pop up again.

First Timers.

When people are first timers on a dating website, they tend to be rather picky.  After all, they remember when they were 20 and dating.  So, they assume that the market is full and choice.

But, that was 40 years ago and the market is no longer full.  Furthermore, what is left has been well picked over.  Once they realize what the market is really like, they tend to be a little less picky and a little more realistic.  Because of this, the candidates that got rejected early in the dating game, might just be what they are looking for today.

Doggy Bags.

I quite often take my dates out for supper.  And, since I do not usually finish my meal, I ask for a doggy bag.

Now, when I get home, I immediately throw the doggy bag into the trash.  You see, I never really wanted the doggy bag in the first place.  But, I got one because it looks better to my dates.