Terms Of Endearment, The Start.

At what point in a relationship do you start using “terms of endearment”?  I don’t think that there is a set answer.  It depends on how the relationship is going.  For some couples, it can happen within the first few dates.  While for others, it may never happen.  I guess it depends on how if feels.

Personal Space.

One of my dating websites asks the question of how much personal space do you need?  Now, I had never given it much thought as I need very little personal space.  But, I am finding that some women do need personal space and you need to grant that to them.  And, if you don’t allow them that space, they will begin to resent you.

So, if in doubt, ask them questions like “Am I calling too much?”  “Do you need a weekend away from me?”  That way, you can keep the relationship going with out smothering them.

How Close Is Too Close?

When I date some one that I really like, I want to make sure that they know that I like them.  So, I will make a point in calling them pretty much daily.  However, I realize that daily can be too much for some women, particularly if they have been single for too long.  In fact, too much attention can be suffocating.

So, to avoid too much attention, I ask if it is OK for me to call them on any given day.  With this approach, I can give them attention without suffocating.

Dating Multiple Women At The Same Time Doesn’t Work.

I once tried dating two women at the same time.  It was very stressful.  While I had a lot of information about both of them, I just couldn’t remember which facts went with whom.   So, I found my self asking my dates the same questions over and over again.

This proved to be embarrassing as it made me seem like I wasn’t really listening in the first place.  Plus, I didn’t feel like I was being fair to either of them.

So, if you are dating multiple women at the same time,  I would encourage you to give it your best shot and pick one.  Of course, the one that you didn’t pick will drop you like a hot potato and that is understandable.

Life is full of risks, so,  when it comes to dating, give it your best shot and hope for the best.

Dating Over The Holidays.

Dating over the holidays can be a real challenge.  Not only do you have social commitments to keep, so does the person that you are dating.  So, it may be very difficult for schedules to connect.  But, be flexible and try to make the best of it.

Emotional Commitments.

Any kind of relationship requires emotional commitments on the part of all parties.   This is true no only for lover but also for friends.   If there is no emotional  commitment, then you are merely two known entities and nothing more.

But for lovers, emotional commitment is vital.  For the very act of committing is the act of giving your self to that other person unconditionally.  Without that emotional commitment, you are just a self centered parasites who are only using the other person for your own selfish needs.

And, without emotional commitment, love can never develop.

Is She Hungery?

I am always amazed as to just how fast some women can eat.  While I realize that I am a slow eater, some of these women eat like it is their only meal in a week.  Wow!!

Are these women starving themselves in order to keep their weight down?  If they are, chances are good that they will eventually blow up like a Macy’s balloon.  So, beware.

Is She Really Busy?

Is she really busy?  That is a difficult question to answer.  I mean, people these days are quite active so it is possible that she is busy.  If she tells you that she is busy next Saturday but offers Friday night or Sunday afternoon, then, she is probably busy.  But, if she just says that she is busy on Saturday with no indication of interest or alternate days, then chances are good that she doesn’t want to go out with you.

But, to be on the safe side, you might want to ask her out several times.  And then if you get the same “no” with no offer of interest, move on.  She is just not interested in you.

Do You Eat Meat?

I always like to go out for dinner on a first date.  Not only is it a safe environment, but you can also see her eating habits first hand.

Did she order a steak?  That is good.  Did she order the fish?  Well, OK.  Did she order the Tofu and Eggplant stir fry?  Maybe you need to talk.

And while diet is not a show stopper, it might create complications.

What Does She Sell?

While not every woman is into selling products, there are a lot of them who are.  Be it vitamins, cosmetics, or soap, this is an activity that can interfere with your relationship, particularly if you don’t believe in the products.  So, if you can’t tolerate this activity, then you need to move on.  Otherwise, grin and bear it.