Frigged But Interested; The Finally.

Well, she was too busy to see me on Saturday.  And, she decided to skip dinner with me on Sunday.  I guess she doesn’t really miss me.

I  think that this relationship is finished.  I am not going to call her any more.  She can call me  if she is really interested in a relationship, but I doubt that I will hear from her again.

What’s Her Cause?

What is her cause?  My that, I mean, what is she passionate for?  Rescue dogs?  Children in Haiti? Clean water?

At her age, chances are good that she is involved in some charitable activity.  And while this is not bad per se,  it could create problems if it consumes her life.  So beware.

Frigged But Interested; Part 12.

Perhaps I should name this “Frigged And Uninterested.”  I suspect that this relationship has reached the breaking point as in “we are done.”

I called her several times on Thursday night and even left a message.  Then later when I called, the line was busy.  I guess she had someone more important to talk to than me.

I called her on Friday night and left a message.  After several tries,  I was finally able to get a hold of her but she didn’t sound excited to hear from me.

When I asked her about going out this weekend, she said that she was busy doing her taxes and hoped that I understood.  Well, I do understand I guess.  But, since I have never felt any enthusiasm toward me in the first place, it is hard to tell what she is really feeling.

I guess I will just wait it out and see what happens.  Live and learn I guess.

Yes Mommy.

I once dated a woman who was under the total control of her mother.  The woman was 60 and her mother was 85.  I had to wonder what the woman will do when her mother passes on?


Unless you are into dating really young individuals, chances are there are going to be children involved with everyone that you are dating.  And, unless your date is estranged from his/her family, children are going to be a factor in the relationship.

So, your choices are limited.  Either accept the fact that there are children and make the best of it or stay single.

Becoming Exclusive.

When, in a relationship, do you stop looking at others and just focus on the person you are presently dating?

Recently, that has been a hard call for me.  While I enjoy the person that I am presently dating, she always seems distant and only moderately interested in me.  So, I never know if she is going to dump me.  And because of this, I am reluctant to close down my dating web sites.  But, at some point in time, I am going to have to take a chance and commit.

Divorced With Children.

Because of her age, a woman that I work with ends up dating men who still have minor children.  And, because of custody arrangements, he has them every other weekend.

Now, this custody arrangement upsets the woman because he spends time with his kids instead of her.  (Go figure)  And, even if he tries to include her in the activities that he has with his kids, that is not good enough because she has to adjust her schedule to meet his.

If you find yourself in this situation, cut your losses and move on.  His kids are a fact of life and her unwillingness to accept them won’t change.

Was There Chemistry 40 Years Ago?

For 40 years, I was madly in love with my wife.  I just can’t remember whether there was chemistry at first sight or if it developed over time.  And so, I struggle with whether chemistry is necessary in a relationship or if love will prevail over time?