Personality Types: The Analytic.

I am very familiar with the Analytic personality type since I am one.  As the name suggests, the analytic, well, analyzes.  Decisions come very slowly if at all.  But, once a decision is made, Analytic s tend to be firm in their view point.  This means that if you ask an Analytic what movie he/she wants to watch, he/she may be indifferent.  However, if he/she should pick a movie, he/she probably really wants to see it.

So, Analytic s tend to be either “wishy washy” or determined.

Personality Types: The Introduction.

A number of years ago, researchers noted that there seems to be 4 basic personality types: Analytic, Driver, Expressive and Amiable.    And, depending on whether you are a people person and how quickly you make decisions determines your personality type.

Along with this, it was determined that certain personality types are more compatible than others.  So, once you know your personality type and the classification system, you  can determine the likely hood of a compatible match.

Strange Brew!

When I first started dating, I made a mental note of items that she liked to drink such as beer brands, Coke/Pepsi, favorite wines, etc.  Then, I would make a point in stocking them.   However, after several girlfriends, I now have a stock of beverages that I don’t drink.  And, the best that I can hope for is that someone else will like them.

Going forward, I no longer make a point of stocking items that I don’t drink.

Emotionally Unstable; I Am Too Young For You.

Recently, I met a woman on line and we started emailing each other.  Her profile said that she was 55 but she also acknowledged that she was much older.

Basically, she lied about her age to attract men.  She was afraid that if she listed her actual age that no one would be interested in her.

After several emails, I told her that her age didn’t bother me as long as she was active.  She emailed me and told me that at my age, I couldn’t possible keep up with her.  Therefore, we would just be wasting each others time.

Let me see if I have this straight.  If I had lied and listed myself as much younger, she would be interested in me.  But, since I didn’t lie like she did, she is not interested in me.

Well, she has been looking for over ten years now and hasn’t found anyone.  Go Figure.

Emotionally Unstable; My First Husband Was Gay.

My first husband was gay!  That is a response that I have heard from several woman.

Apparently, they couldn’t tell the difference when they were dating.  But, then, 15 years later, they can’t understand what happened.

Hello!!!  Your first husband was gay but it took you 15 years to figure it out?  So, what was your first clue????  He liked what???

You are an emotionally unstable flake!!

The Third Degree.

The other night, I got the “third degree” from the woman that I am dating.  She wanted to know if I pray daily and if I do daily devotions.

Now, while I didn’t mind answering her questions, I was a bit concerned as she told me these were “show stoppers” for her.

“Show stoppers”?!!  “Show stoppers’?!!  Now, while I pray daily and do daily devotions, I didn’t like the idea of our entire relationship being based on how often and how long I pray.  Or more to the point, I didn’t like the fact that she was judging me based on my personal relationship to God, which I consider to be very private.

This relationship has been unstable since it started but I suspect that it is finally finished.

Emotionally Unstable; Let’s Take A Year Off!

I once dated a woman who pledged her undying love to me but was too busy to have an active relationship with me.  Instead, she wanted to take a year off until she could get her life together.

So, I gave her the benefit of the doubt.  As I suspected, she was a flake and still did not have her life together.  Emotionally unstable!!

Don’t wait on these people, get on with your own life.  They are flakes!!

Emotionally Unstable; I’ve Got Your Back Side.

It was only our third date when she announced that she had my “backside”.  By that, she meant that she would be there for me no matter what.

Now, since we were just getting to know each other, I was surprised to hear such a comment.  But, I was still hurting from the loss of my wife and really needed to hear something like that.  She knew that and took advantage of me.

Then, 8 weeks later, she announced that we no longer had future together.  Really?  What happened to my backside?

She was emotionally unstable; a flake!!  The first of many.