Love Me, Love My ….

Sooner or later, you are going to run into the “love me, love my….(you fill in the blank) scenario.  It may be a dog, a cat, a horse, a car or a …..  Regardless of what it is, you will be expected to embrace it.  And, if you don’t, the relationship is doomed.

So, if there is a “love me, love my…” that you absolutely can’t stand, then you need to think about moving on.

The Pitfalls Of Chemistry.

While chemistry in a relationship can be a wonderful thing, it can also be dangerous.  Chemistry can cloud your judgement and lead you into a relationship that is not good for you or your partner.

It is chemistry that leads to adultery.  And, it is chemistry that leads to jealous fits or rage.  But, only when the shine on the penny fades do you realize your mistake and by then, it is too late.

You’re Too Good For Me!

You’re too good for me!  One woman told me that on our first date.  It seems that she had been married and divorced three times before.  So, the fact that I had never been divorced bothered her.  I guess she was intimidated by my marital success and afraid that she could never meet my expectations.  Sounds like she had low self esteem.

The Trick Is To Find One That You Can Live With!

My father, God rest his soul, was not one for interfering in my life.  But, he did give me a piece of advice one time when I was in my late teens.  He said “Son, there are a lot of beautiful women in the world.  But, the trick is to find one that you can live with.”

At the time, it seemed like a nice remark but nothing more.  Now that I am much older and dating, I fully understand what he means.  And while I have met a lot of beautiful women, most of them are nuts.

Getting Over That “Sleepless In Seattle” Mentality.

When I first started dating online, I was very naive.  I didn’t want to eliminate anyone because of distance.  After all, what if the person living in California was “the one” for me?

Well, as time went on, I eliminated anyone who was more than three hours away.  After all, if I couldn’t drive there in a reasonable amount of time, what kind of a relationship could we possible have?

But soon, that 3 hour drive was reduced to a two hour drive.  And then that two hour drive was reduced to a one hour drive.  Now, that one hour drive is reduced to the “local calling area”.

Sleepless in Seattle was a fun movie but had little to do with reality.  If you can’t find anyone closer than the west coast, then you need to see a therapist because you have some major hangups.

Building Chemistry Over Time.

There is a single woman in my office that I have known for several years.  And, while she is attractive, I have had much interest in her because there was no chemistry between us.  But lately, that has changed.  And while I am not interested in her for compatibility reasons, there is suddenly interest regardless.  It is almost as if chemistry builds over time.  I wonder.