Taking A Date Break.

A couple of the women that I have dated have asked for a date break.  They claim that they need some time off from the relationship because of work schedules, job stress, health issues, family issues….. you fill in the blank.

Generally speaking, this means that the relationship is finished and that they are hoping that you will just go away.  Or, if that doesn’t work, they will use the break to compose a “Dear John” letter explaining all of you deficiencies.  Either way, if they need a break from you, it usually means that you are no longer important to them.

And while they always leave that element of hope by saying that it will only be for a few days, weeks, months, in the end, they aren’t coming back.  So, get ready to move on.

Meeting The Parents.

Meeting the parents for the first time can always be a challenge.  You always want to make a good first impression.  But, in the end, a lot of it depends on the relationship that exists between her and her parents.

Most of the women that I have dated have been intimidated by their mother.  In some cases, this intimidation results in the daughter being submission to mom.   While in other cases, the daughter resents her mother.

In the first situation, it is important to be accepted by mom because the daughter will succumb to moms’ wishes.  And, with the second, being liked by mom can be detrimental because you become a pawn in the mother/daughter power struggle.

So, understanding the mother/daughter relationship is important if you hope to blend in with the family.

Home Repairs.

While it might seem natural to volunteer for work around her house, be careful.  Yes, you can install that new sink for her in only a couple of hours but do you want to be liable for maintaining it for the next 10 years?

This might seem a little extreme but it does happen.  Since you installed it, any subsequent problems must be your fault.

Be very careful and be sure that you know what you are getting into.

New Cars. Beware!

Being asked to go shopping for a new car might seem innocent enough but be careful.  If the new car has problems, you might be held accountable even if you did not make the selection.  It is called “guilt by association” and it is a lose/lose situation.

And, while you may not be a mechanic, you should have known that the engine was bad.  And, if you did know that the engine was bad and told her so, you should have stopped her from buying the car.

As I said, this is a lose/lose situation.  Avoid it if you can.


Love And Money.

Money matters between couples are always very touchy.  Or more to the point, when should you offer to become financially involved with the person you are dating?  If her car breaks down, should you offer to pay for the repairs or let her deal with it?  If her lawn mower dies should you offer to buy her a new one?

I personally think it is unreasonable for you to be financially committed to anyone to whom you are not legally committed.  But, that is up to each individual.

Well Worth My While.

I once dated a woman who told me that she would make our relationship “well worth my while”.  Of course, this was our first date and I guess she wanted me to know that she was good in bed.  And while it was nice of her to tell me that information, I decided to pass.