Frigged But Interested, Part 2.

With the shopping date set, I picked her up at her house.  Since I had not so much as gotten a hug on the first date,  I decided to change that by giving her a hug and a kiss when I picked her up.  And, she seemed receptive to that.  Well OK, maybe I had miss judged her.

But, when we got to the mall, I thought that it would be nice to hold hands.  And, she tolerated that with the operative word being “tolerated”.   However, when the time was opportune, she broke the hand hold.  And, since she didn’t reestablish it, I assumed that she was not comfortable with it.

When I dropped her off at her house, there was no invite to go inside.  There was just a forced hug and kiss and then out of the car.   Well, OK, I guess she is not really interested in me.  And, I expected that the relationship was over.  And, I was ready to cut my loses and move on.

But then, two days later, I received a call from her, which totally blew me out of the water.