Frigged But Interested; Part 12.

Perhaps I should name this “Frigged And Uninterested.”  I suspect that this relationship has reached the breaking point as in “we are done.”

I called her several times on Thursday night and even left a message.  Then later when I called, the line was busy.  I guess she had someone more important to talk to than me.

I called her on Friday night and left a message.  After several tries,  I was finally able to get a hold of her but she didn’t sound excited to hear from me.

When I asked her about going out this weekend, she said that she was busy doing her taxes and hoped that I understood.  Well, I do understand I guess.  But, since I have never felt any enthusiasm toward me in the first place, it is hard to tell what she is really feeling.

I guess I will just wait it out and see what happens.  Live and learn I guess.