About Beaufort

After Kathy, my wife of 37 years, passed away, I had to make a choice between being single for the next 20-30 years or finding a new wife. Since my first marriage was wonderful, I decided to try again.

Obsessions And Other Strange Behaviors.

I once dated a woman who loved the musical “Le Moulin Rouge”.  Not only did she own the DVD, but we had to watch it together several times.

Now, while I have several movies that I enjoy watching from time to time, there aren’t any that I would consider watching on a weekly basis.  What’s more, I considered her obsession to indicate an emotional instability.  And, as time went on, this proved to be the case.

Lesson learned.

Family And Friends.

When I first started dating, I made a point of introducing my new girlfriend to my friends and family members.  After all, such introductions would help to cement the relationship and show a genuine interest on my part.

But, after several new girlfriends, it became apparent that such introductions only tended to confuse my friends and family members.  This confusion resulted in the names getting mixed up, which created some embarrassing moments.

Now, I am reluctant to introduce them until we have been dating for several months.  And even then, I am somewhat skeptical.

Some Women Prefer Losers!

Some women prefer to date losers!  I guess if you are dating a loser, you don’t have to worry about your own imperfections.  After all, if you are dating a loser, you are superior to them.

Of course, if you are dating a loser, you too are a loser.

Are You For Real?

It was our first date, and we were both trying to get to know a little about each other.  My date, who had been married 3 times before, asked me if I was “for real?”

I told her that I was, but was surprised at the question.  Apparently, after her third marriage, she has learned to distrust people.

After the date, she dumped me from her dating website and I never heard from  her again.  And, since she never told me her last name or even gave me her phone number or email address, I had no way to contact her.  I guess I was too real.

Too Good To Be True!

I guess that I have too many assets because most women think that I am too good to be true.  I don’t say that to flatter my self, I say that because that is what some women have told me.  And, because I seem too good to be true, I must have some glaring flaw like being a mass murderer.  In fact, one woman dumped me because I was too good for her.

What ever.

Spam Attacks!

Yesterday, I had over 10,000 spams on this site, all for discount drugs.  Today, I had over 6,000 spams for discount drugs.  Fortunately, I have a good spam filter on my web site.  🙂

Assets And Liabilites.

When I first started dating, my women friends told me that I would be a great catch for some lucky woman.  I am dependable, have a good job with benefits, no bad habits, I am loving, kind and generous and I had a very successful 37 year marriage.

Yet, the women that I date don’t seem to be impressed with this.  In fact, they almost consider my assets to be liabilities.  Go figure.

Personality Types: Understanding The System.

Now that you have the 4 personality types, you need to understand how it works.  You may say that I don’t fall into any of those categories,  and to an extent, you are right.

So arrange the four types in a quadrant like graph.  In the lower left is the Analytic with the Driver in the  lower right.  The horizontal axis is decision making speed; slow on the left and fast on the right.

In the upper left is the Amiable with the Expressive in the upper right.  The vertical axis is people skills with the lower left being minimal with the upper left being great.

Everyone, for the most part, is a mixture of all four types.  It is just that you will have one personality type that is more prominent over the others. So, someone who is very analytical, can also have great people skills and be aggressive when given an assignment.  But their prominent personality type is still Analytic.

And no, you can’t classify yourself because you can never be totally honest.

Personality Types: The Driver.

Driver make quick decisions and are not a people person.  For the Driver there is only black or white, no gray.  So, the Driver does not have any undecided issues.  Plus, the Driver is “work, work, work”.

So, when it comes to social issues, the Driver has all of the answers.  And, when it comes to work, get your ass in gear, the day is wasting.

So, if you are not comfortable with being told what to do and what to think and expected to work your fingers to a bone, pass on the Driver.  If you don’t meet their standards, you will be considered to be weak and indecisive.

Been there and done that.

Personality Types: The Expressive.

Like the Driver, the Expressive makes decisions very quickly.  But, unlike the Driver, the Expressive is a people person.

These are the people who are fanatical about global warming and recycling and, they expect you to share their views.  They have the vision for the great society and if you would only follow them, they would change the world.

So, if you are considering joining this personality type, plan on donating a whole lot of time to various projects and causes.  But, in the end, unless you are an Expressive, you will never be truly accepted.  Sorry.