Action Talks And Bulls*** Walks.

I once dated a woman who was great with promises but short on actions.  When she knew that I sometimes hurt from the death of my wife, she promised to cover my back side.  When my father in law was sick, she promised to be there for me.  When my birthday rolled around, she promise to take me to a play.

Well, she never covered my back side when I was hurting, was not there for me when my father in law was sick, and never took me to the play that she had promised. In short, actions talk and bullshit walks. But, I guess it sounded good to her.

Jumping Right In!

I am amazed at the number of women who have never been married but are now looking for a husband.  And, I have to  wonder “why?”.  After all, they have been single for the past 50+ years.  It is not like they are planning on having a family.  And, they have gotten along fine without a man in their life for all of these years so why bother now?

But I guess more to the point, I wonder how well they would doing being married?  Would they be able to live with a man?  Or would he be just more of a servant with occasional benefits?  Well, I guess I won’t know until I actually meet one of these women.

Successful Relationships Are Built On Honesty And Trust.

I once dated a woman who told me a lot of things about herself.  Unfortunately, most, if not all, were not true.

During our correspondence phase, she told me that she had 3 daughters and one grand daughter and that they all lived in NY.  And, that she herself was  born and raised in NY.

Since I have been down the road of deception before, when we met, I asked her where she had grown up.  She said that she was born and raised in the same town where she presently lives.  When I asked her if she had any children, she said that she did not and had never been married.

Well OK.  Should I believe anything that she told me?  I don’t think so.  But, it doesn’t matter anyway because I doubt that I could ever trust her.

eHarmony Is Just Another Mile Down The Road.

One thing that I have learned about eHarmony is that your distance constraints are irrelevant.  My profile is set to limit my match distance to a 60 mile radius.  I figure that a one hour drive is not unreasonable.

But then, eHarmony matches me with someone who is only 90 minutes away.  Well, OK, I guess another 30 minutes isn’t that unreasonable.  But, if I will accept a 90 minute drive, will I accept a 2 hour drive?  After all, it is only another 30 minutes.  And, if I will accept a 2 hour drive, how about Chicago?  It is less than 3 hours away and the roads are good.  If Chicago is good, then how about Milwaukee WI, or Barrie ON, or Widowee AL?   I just got matched last week with these people.

I am sick of it!!!!   eHarmony just won’t quit.  They are not reasonable and they don’t seem to care about your distance requests.  Apparently “Sleepless in Seattle” plays continuously, in their office.  Perhaps if eHarmony did a better job in matching couples, they wouldn’t need to go to such distance extremes.  And no, I will not accept a match from Russia!!!!!


The Black Ring.

I bought a new ring this weekend.  Since I had lost 20 pounds after Kathys’ death, I was afraid that I might loose my wedding ring, so I took it off.  Yet, I really felt a need to have a ring on that finger.  After all, I had a wonderful 37 year marriage but death ended my marriage.

Then, this weekend, I saw a black ring and said “yes!  That is exactly what I am look for!”  It is a wedding band to symbolize my marriage and black to symbolize the loss of my precious wife.  Strange as it may sound, I now feel whole again.

Goodbye Date, Hello Sun Set!

I once dated at woman who had a cottage in Holland on Lake Michigan.  Well, actually, it was a 1/4 mile away from the Lake but it was close enough in her mind to be called “lake front property.”

She was a lonely widow who was looking for companionship.  And, I was a lonely widower who was also looking for companionship.  So, we seemed like a natural match.

After our first date, she told me to caller her anytime and so I did.  But, in the middle of our second conversation, she told me that she had to go because she needed to go down to the beach to watch the sunset.  Well, OK!!

I never called her back and she is still looking for Mr. Right!!  Maybe she can find someone as shallow as she is.

Family baggage.

Every person that you date has some sort of family baggage.  Some baggage is small while other baggage is enormous.

A woman that I dated recently had a whole lot of baggage.  Her Ex is gay, her son has cancer, her sister has MS, her brother-in-law is bipolar, her sister-in-law is terminally ill, her mother is in assisted living and she herself has blood issues.  But, other than that, her life is normal.

I think that this is way more baggage than I can handle.


Communication, Communication, Communication.

Besides love, communications is the next most important element of a successful relationship.  A couple needs to be able to effectively communicate their needs, their wants, their hurts, their concerns and their dreams.  If this type of communications does not occur, then the relationship is doomed to failure.

Divorced But Not Really.

I am corresponding with a woman who claims to be divorced but I suspect that she really isn’t.  For starters, I don’t get much correspondence from her.  And when she does correspond, it is always from work.  Plus, while she seems to be very interested in me and does live rather close, she doesn’t seem interested in going out with me.

I suppose, she could just be shy, but I suspect that her husband doesn’t let her date.

My Ex Is Gay.

My ex is gay.  That seems to be a frequent response that I get from women.

The first time that  woman told me that her husband left her because he was gay, I was shocked.  But as I dated more women, I discovered that this was more common than I had imagined.

Now, it could be that gay men were afraid to come out years ago but not now.  So, those who were living a lie are started to come clean.  Or, it could be that saying your husband is gay, is a convenient excuse for a failed marriage.

But, either way, they need to be tested for HIV.