Friends and Family; Are They Ready?

When dating someone new, the question that I always wrestle with is when to introduce them to my family and friends.  If you introduce them too soon, you risk scaring them off.  After all, new relationships are hard enough as is without adding friends and family.  But, if you don’t introduce them, they may feel offended.  So, either way, it is a risk.

Boy Toy.

I was a summer “boy toy”, a play thing.  But, at the time, I didn’t realize it.

She was a school teacher and every spring, she would start her search for a summer “boy toy”.  Her goal was to get a relationship going just before the start of summer break.

Then, once summer hit, it was party, party party.  Baseball games, concerts, fine dining and bike rides were all a part of her agenda.  And, of course, there was lots and lots of romance.

But, come fall, when school started, it was bye bye to “boy toy”.

I was crushed and confused at first.  After all, we had so much fun together and really seemed to hit it off.  But, in the end, I came to realize that she was not really interested in me.  She was only interested in a good time.

Spring is in the air so it must be about time for her to start her search for “Mr. Summer 2012.”

Must Have Own Life.

The other day, I was reading an on line profile for a woman in northern Minnesota.  She basically said that she had her own life and expected her husband to have the same.  And, that she only needed to be with him a couple of times a week.

Well, since she lived in a small town, I guess her mate needed to hunt and fish and snowmobile.

I wondered if she was looking for a husband or just a boy toy?

Have It Your Way!

A woman that I have known for many years, works at a fast food restaurant.  And, when every I stop there, we have the usual polite conversation.

But, the other day, she told me that she had just dumped her current boy friend.  Well OK.  I think I know where this is headed.

Now, when ever I see her, she tells me intimate details about her personal life.  Fortunately,  it is a fast food restaurant so our conversations are brief.

I Have Been Thinking About You!

Every now and then, I run into a woman that I know.  I have known her and her husband for many years.  Well, the other day, I ran into her and she told me that she was thinking about me.

Since a lot of my friends think about me and wonder how I am doing, I thanked her for her concerns.  Then she said “No, I have been thinking  about you a real lot!”  Well OK.

I got the distinct impression that her thoughts were not directed at my general well being.

Beware of Upgrades.

Now that I am a widower, I have discovered that there are a lot of women out there who are not satisfied with their current spouse.

For some, the dissatisfaction is financial  and for others it is emotional. But, what ever the cause, they are looking for some one new, an upgrade if you will.  And, if you happen to meet their needs, well, you are fair game, husband or no husband.  So beware!


I Am Free Now.

A few months ago, I ran into an old high school classmate of mine.  And, with a big pretty smile on her face, she announced that she had just dumped her boyfriend.

Well, OK.  You don’t have to tell be where this is headed.  I already have a good idea.  But, I extended my sympathy none the less.  Now, every time that I see her, she gives  me an update of her life.

I  do suspect that she has hidden motives.

We Live In The Same Town!

We live in the same town!!  That is the response that I received from one woman I met on line.  Between my picture, name and town, she figured out who I was.  But, more to the point, she felt that being in the same town meant that we were a natural match up.  Fortunately, she quickly moved on.