Online date profiles are anonymous unless you have an unusual name and live in a small geographic area. If this is the case, then a quick online search will most likely render a last name and even an address. So, beware.
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Online Dating: Beware Of Your Profile Name, Part 1.
Online dating is suppose to be anonymous. And, if you fill out your profile wisely, it will be. However, when the online dating service asks for your name, some people put in their first and last name.
Now, if you are not concerned with being anonymous, this is fine. However, if you are concerned about privacy, this is not good because now the whole world knows who you are.
While this may seem to be common sense, I have seen many profiles where women listed their first and last names.
Giving Out Personal Information: Email.
When you are doing on line dating, giving out personal information can be risky. Fortunately, a lot of online dating services protect your privacy.
You can communicate with a perspective date without actually giving out your email address. Instead, the online dating service will serve as a buffer between you and your person of interest.
A very nice feature for those who are afraid of receiving unsolicited attention.
They Eat Anything.
When ever I ask a date what kind of food she likes to eat, she will always say “Oh, I eat anything.” However, when you take them to the restaurant, they always order something safe.
And what is the “safe” choice? Why a salad of course with french dressing.
Well, at least it is a cheap meal.
Remember Her Name!
I once dated a woman for several weeks but could never remember her name. And, it is not that I was dating other women at the time, it is just that I could not remember her name.
I would practice saying her name for hours in an effort to get it engrained in my mind. But, to no avail. So, I would focus and when I was sure that I would get it right, I would address her by her name. Of course, it sounded forced and unnatural, but at least I got it right.
Unfortunately, now that I have her name down pat, I am no longer dating her. Now, my fear is that I will call my new girlfriend by the name of my old girlfriend.
Dating is so complicated.
The Woman Down the Street.
A single woman that I have known for over 10 years, lives just down the street. And, while we quite often run into each other on the street, lately she has taken to giving me big hugs. She also says that she thinks of me every time she drives past my house.
Well, it is nice to be noticed but I am cautious.
The Woman Next Door.
The woman next door is single and very attractive. I guess she has never found Mr Right even though she has been married several times before.
She is always happy to see me and tells me to let her know if I need Anything. Anything.
Well OK. While I could end up being “Mr Right”, I suspect she is more interested in my job and medical benefits.
I Smell Good.
One of the single women at work spoke to me in passing and told me that I “smelled good. Real good.”
Well OK. It is nice to know that I don’t smell offensive. But, I had to wonder if she was talking about my after shave or the fact that I am male?
I will make a point to be very careful around her.
Single and the Women at Work 2.
Besides the large single women at work, I also have an assortment of single Indian women. Now, I don’t mean native americans, I mean Indian as in green carders. Not only are they looking for a husband, they are also looking for citizenship.
Apparently the word is out that I am single because they all make a point in speaking to me even though I have no idea who they are.
Well, I guess it is nice to be popular, I guess.
Single and the Women at Work.
I work with a lot of single women. And, while they have been single for a long time, I haven’t, so I am new to the scene.
Now, I don’t know if it is just my imagination or not, but I have noticed some changes in them. If they wear glasses, they have now started wearing contacts. And, they all seem to have gone on a diet. Some have even resorted to one of the fat reducing surgeries.
And, while I applaud their efforts to better their appearances, I hope they are not doing these things to attract my attention. Work relationships are complicated enough without adding romance to the mix.